(IDEX Online) - October saw a blitz of price rises among smaller fancies (0.23-0.44cts) and some positive movement among 0.45-0.69cts. After a quiet September there was more movement overall, characterized by a rise in demand for these smaller, less costly stones. The economy has started its recovery, but there's still less of an appetite for larger diamonds.
0.30-0.39 ct. I-J / IF-VS1 -2.5-3%, F-H / VS2 +2.5%
0.50-0.69 ct. J-K / IF +2-3.5%, G / VS1-2 +2.5-3%
1.00-1.24 ct. E / IF-VVS1 -3.5%, N / IF-VVS1 -2.5%
0.30-0.39 ct. I+ & SI1+ almost all categories +2-5%
1.00-1.24 ct. D-E / VVS2 -2.5-3%, E-F / I1 +3%
2.00-2.99 ct. E / IF-VVS2 -3%, K / IF-VVS2 -3%
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